Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Faith in crisis
30 June 2009 


Faith is in crisis when we stop exercising it. Without exercise, our muscles become flaccid and our body deteriorates more quickly, and the same thing happens to faith. If we don’t exercise our faith, it becomes ineffective and relegated to a mere religious practice.

God allows us to go through problems so that our faith does not turn into a tradition, which is what the Holy Spirit warned His servants about in the past.

The truth is that we complain to God when we face tribulation. It doesn’t matter whether it is in our family, love life or health… We don’t understand, and refuse to understand, God’s way of leading us to the practice of faith. It looks like everything is going wrong for us and that we are swimming against the tide.

God’s direction is very clear regarding situations where only the constant use of faithcan grant us victory. Only by faith, and from faith to faith, are we able to advance, conquer and establish, our much-desired salvation.

Our adversary does not rest or get discouraged in his intent to steal the most glorious asset God has given us: faith. Instead, he sets traps, and causes problems and difficult situations in an attempt to divert our faith. And, if he succeeds, we get discouraged and, consequently, we fall.

God allows this. Why? Because He wants to force us to use our faith!

As a divine tool, faith has the power to neutralise all the fiery darts of the devil. But we must use it constantly, daily, until we die!

By Bishop Macedo

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