Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Faith in crisis
30 June 2009
Faith is in crisis when we stop exercising it. Without exercise, our muscles become flaccid and our body deteriorates more quickly, and the same thing happens to faith. If we don’t exercise our faith, it becomes ineffective and relegated to a mere religious practice.
God allows us to go through problems so that our faith does not turn into a tradition, which is what the Holy Spirit warned His servants about in the past.
The truth is that we complain to God when we face tribulation. It doesn’t matter whether it is in our family, love life or health… We don’t understand, and refuse to understand, God’s way of leading us to the practice of faith. It looks like everything is going wrong for us and that we are swimming against the tide.
God’s direction is very clear regarding situations where only the constant use of faithcan grant us victory. Only by faith, and from faith to faith, are we able to advance, conquer and establish, our much-desired salvation.
Our adversary does not rest or get discouraged in his intent to steal the most glorious asset God has given us: faith. Instead, he sets traps, and causes problems and difficult situations in an attempt to divert our faith. And, if he succeeds, we get discouraged and, consequently, we fall.
God allows this. Why? Because He wants to force us to use our faith!
As a divine tool, faith has the power to neutralise all the fiery darts of the devil. But we must use it constantly, daily, until we die!
By Bishop Macedo
Monday, June 29, 2009
7 Secrets the devil Doesn't Want You to Know

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Mrs Cynthia Peterson's Testimony
In 2007 I noticed a sizable lump on my left breast so immediately started scheduling appointments with the doctors. I 2008 it was confirmed that I did have breast cancer and that the cancer was the size of an apricot. When I started taking the chemotherapy my hair fell out and I used to feel very awful. The chemotherapy that was being administered to me was so strong that it was given to every three weeks. I had aport in my right shoulder which is how the chemotherapy was given to me. Little did I know that that the chemotherapy had leaked and that caused a huge blood clot which nearly killed me because the blood clot had impeded circulation. As a result of that I ended in the hospital for two weeks.
Friday, June 26, 2009
“Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel arose and went to Ramah. 1Samuel 16.13
When we have the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon us we are able to overcome any type of obstacles and enemies we may face along the way. The Holy Spirit is God Himself dwelling inside of us and when He finds the room to do His will in our life we become like Him.
The heroes of faith became heroes not because of their own capacity but because they received power from above. “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you” Acts 1.8
Once you are anointed and covered with the Spirit of God you won’t depend on anyone, God will give you conditions to walk with your own legs and eat with your own hands. With the Holy Spirit you are independent.
July, month of independence not for the country but principally for you who do believe that God is with you. How can you depend on others if God is with you? Therefore, make sure you don’t miss out the special meetings of the Holy Spirit on Sundays at 11am and Wednesday at 11am, 3 and principally at 6pm. We also will be holding night vigils on Fridays at 7:30pm.
Bishop Carlos Da Costa
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The good kind of hatred
Who could imagine that there’s a good side to hatred? There are at least two situations where we can see its benefits in action. The hatred for sin and the hatred we endure for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1.9 and Luke 6.22).
As a mere feeling, hatred is a partner to both physical and spiritual death—whoever hates his brother, is a murderer (1 John 3.15).
But the good kind of hatred is directed at sin. Whoever hates sin distances himself from it and draws closer to what is just, pure and holy, showing that this person has taken on God’s nature.
It’s even good to be the object of hatred because of your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. This gives us the privilege to be blessed (Luke 6.22).
The same spirit that worked in the past in Cain also works today. Cain’s offering was disregarded compared to Abel’s offering, which was why hatred sprang up in his heart to kill his own brother.
Those who hate me would like to kill me as well. Since they can’t, they try to do it through the media.
Yet I feel joy and peace in my soul. After all, the Word of my Lord is fulfilled in me.
“And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.” (Matthew 10.22
By Bishop Macedo
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
INDEPENDENCE – The state or quality of being independent. Freedom from control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others.
In the United States, Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of independence on July 4th, 1776, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain.
Since July 4th, 1776 after becoming independent, the United States of America started developed its potential and is now the world most powerful nation.
By following its constitution and law this country has made important decision 11am that has caused a tremendous impact all over the world.
A faithful tither can also cause a tremendous impact wherever he/she goes because he is independent. When God promised to make us the head, He meant to make us independent and leaders.
July, month in which is commemorated the country’s Independence, we will also make the month of independence of those who are faithful tither.
Prepare yourself to be a part of a special meeting in which your hands will be washed in a blessed water. July 5th at 11am
July - Month of Independence
Negative And Positive
Our success doesn’t depend on what comes from outside to inside of us, but it depends on what comes from inside to outside of us. If we have a negative faith then, the result of everything we do will be negative, even if a positive environment surrounds us.
July – Month of Independence
Stressed to death | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
That’s what happened to me one day while I was sitting at home watching TV. The next thing I knew is that I started to have a panic attack. I was feeling extremely dizzy, tense in my muscles and suffering a headache.
I realised that, because of the stress I had acquired as a result of overworking, I could not handle the strain. I was working long hours and constantly feeling exhausted. That also affected my relationship with my mother, which was very volatile. There were constant arguments and disagreements. From the age of twelve I was smoking weed and by fourteen, I would leave the house, without my mother’s permission, failing to return for days on end. I was rude, obnoxious and full of loathing for other people. I always found a reason to disrespect, rant and swear at my mother.
I became depressed and the panic attacks became more frequent. After consultations with my doctor, I was referred to a psychotherapist. The panic attacks were as often as three times a day, and would trigger the fear of death in my mind constantly.
I believed that my life was in danger. I was afraid every day that I was going to die. I was afraid of being alone and I could not sleep at night.
After four weeks of seeing a psychiatrist nothing changed. The panic attacks, the headaches, the insomnia and the fear of death remained in my life. I was ultimately living a nightmare. It had made me a prisoner in my own body. I believed that I had a cancerous tumour and even feared a heart attack because of daily palpitations.
Knowing that I had the option to change my situation, I began to attend the meetings on Fridays. Through the messages, the counselling and the strong prayers, real changes started materialising in my life. The panic attacks eventually stopped, and so too did the anxiety and fear of death.
Today, I am totally free and happy and have become an active member of the Victory Youth Group of the UCKG HelpCentre in Tooting.
My short temper has disappeared; I am grounded, sensible and considerate to others and today many people marvel at my change.
God transformed me and totally changed my life. I am ashamed of how I was and how I behaved towards people including my own mother, who through all of this, was praying for me at the UCKG. The spiritual problems that people go through like panic attacks, depression, anxiety and insomnia can be removed through faith in God. My life now is a living testimony of that and I thank God every day.
Anneka Marston |
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
The devil whispers words of doubt to shake our faith. Doubts beget doubts. It’s the snowball effect. This is how paralysing fear and terror ensconce themselves in the depths of the hearts of their victims, which then results in utter despair. This path leads the fainthearted right into the pit.
On the other hand, those who are born of God understand that Satan is already defeated. He was, is and will always be defeated! Of course, this doesn’t mean that he’s dead, but that his poisoning power can only prevail when seeds of doubt find fertile ground, that being the hearts of those who do not live by faith.
If we give room to doubt, faith pulls back and that’s where the conflict between doubt and faith begins. God speaks through faith. The Voice of God is the voice of faith. The devil also speaks, but through doubts, and his voice is the voice of doubt.
If we surrender to doubts, we strengthen the devil and weaken the Holy Spirit in our lives. But if we fight against doubts with faith in the promises of God, we neutralise the power of the devil and all his army.
“I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28.20)
Why did He promise to be with us? Just to stand by and watch our defeat? NO!
A thousand times no!!!
He’s with us to guarantee the fulfilment of each one of His promises! That is, to guarantee the victory to those who wholly trust in them. When we give ear to the voice of faith, we honour God and put all of hell to shame.
It’s better to die in faith, than to live in doubt. It’s even better to live in faith, by faith and from faith to faith
By Bishop Macedo
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Why Sacrifice?
“And being in Bethany at the house of Simon the leper, as He sat at the table, a woman came having an alabaster flask of very costly oil of spikenard. Then she broke the flask and poured it on his head. But there were some who were indignant among themselves, and said, “Why was this fragrant oil wasted?” “For it might have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor.” And they criticized her sharply.” Mark 14. 3-5
Since the Lord Jesus was born satan had tried to kill Him, Jesus grew up and spent His whole ministry on earth under satan’s persecution. But why? Of course satan knew clearly what the Lord Jesus was about to do, satan knew that with Jesus’ death on the cross would be the end of his dominion, everything satan didn’t want to see was the sacrifice of the Lora Jesus on the cross, because sacrifice brings authority upon the one who sacrifices; authority to fight against poverty, misery, sickness and all types of evil. Those who are able to enjoy a comfortable life today is because yesterday they sacrificed their all, they believed that one day they would reap the fruit of their pains.
As satan tried whatever he could to prevent the Lord Jesus from reaching out the cross and sacrifice, today he tries the same thing against those who have faith to sacrifice on the altar.
We all know that the Campaign of Israel is a campaign that requires sacrifice, actually is not the Campaign itself but faith is the one who requires it. There is no way to manifest faith without sacrificing otherwise, faith is dead, this explains why there are so many people inside of churches praising and worshiping God, paying their tithes and giving offerings but living as if they are serving the devil, their lives don’t change, their families never manifest any desire of knowing their God, just because they see no difference in their lives. And there’s just one explanation for this type of disaster; lack of sacrifice.
“Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” James 2.17
See that faith demands attitude, actions, faith cannot be manifested only by words but through attitudes and the strongest way to prove that we believe in the promises of God is by sacrificing on the altar.
Watch and hear the testimonies we have played daily in the meetings they are results of how powerful sacrifice is.
If you do believe your dreams can come true then you should prepare yourself to make a perfect sacrifice on the altar of God. Sunday June 21st, 09 at 11AM. All or Nothing!
Bishop Carlos Da Costa
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Family, A Blessing of God!

Monday, June 8, 2009
The authority of faith
8 June 2009
Not only is supernatural faith an instrument to bring about eternal salvation, it is also an instrument of spiritual authority. Nations around the world are being dominated by spiritual forces of evil, and tragedies and disasters have resulted from it.
But those who are born of the Spirit, even though they live in this world, are not subject to evil forces—unless they choose not to use their authority in the faith God has given them. God gave Moses a staff as an instrument of authority to show His glorious works. Today, He has given His people the staff of faith in order to overcome the “Egypts” of this world.
Whether this instrument is used against evil or not is another story! Even so, His authority has already been endowed upon His followers. See what the Lord Jesus said to His disciples:
“Behold, I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10.19)
The power is in your hands to neutralise all evil that attacks you. Faith is the power and authority of God at your disposal. Use it!
By Bishop Edir Macedo
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Open Door
No More
The power of NO MORE
“And the hand of Midian prevailed against Israel. Because of the Midianites, the children of Israel made for themselves the dens, the caves, and the strongholds which are in the mountains. So it was, whenever Israel sown, Midianites would come up; also Amalekites and the people of the East would come up against them.
So Israel was greatly impoverished because of the Midianites, and the children of Israel cried out to the Lord”. Judges 6.2, 3, 6.
For seven years the children of Israel lived under the dominion of the Midianites, it was the first and worst period for them after they had left Egypt. As the text states above, whenever Israel sowed, Midianites came up and devoured everything, all their sustenance. Likewise, there are many facing the same type of situation today, they’ve worked hard but not for themselves, whatever they produce is not for their families or their own joy, but to make someone else happy. How many people have worked extra hours in two or three different jobs in order to make a little bit of more money to pay bills that seem to have no end?
How many couples have got marriage full of expectation of living a happy life for all eternity, but today they live in a hell, their home is more like a war zone? How many women had children expecting to raise them up in the right path to make them men and women of success, but now their children became the reason of their tears and shame?
That’s what Israel went through for a period of seven years, they sew their crops expecting that in the harvest time to have something to reap, but the Midianites never gave them any chance to reap anything, this probably has happened to you for over seven years, maybe it’s been taking your lifetime.
Because of Gideon’s indignation and revolt God appeared to him and revealed to him what he should do for him, for his family and for the entire nation. Gideon fully obeyed God’s commandment; “Now it came to pass the same night that the Lord said to him, “Take your father’s bull, the second bull of seven years old, and tear down the altar of Baal that your father has, and cut down the wooden image that is beside it; and build an altar to the Lord your God on top of this rock in the proper arrangement and take the second bull and offer a burnt sacrifice with the wood of the image which you shall cut down. So Gideon took ten men from among his servants and DID as the Lord had said to him. Judges 6. 25-27
Through Gideon’s obedience by doing exactly as God had told him, by sacrificing not what he wanted to sacrifice, but what God told him to sacrifice, he with 300 chosen men, Israel overcame his enemies.
“Thus Midian was subdued before the children of Israel, so that they lifted their head NO MORE. And the country was quiet for forty years in the days of Gideon.” Judges 8.28
Those who sacrifice have power to say NO MORE to their suffering, disease, financial problem, family fights and so on!!
You too can live forty years of abundant life, abundance of peace, prosperity and every good thing you have ever enjoyed in life, but you have to be ready to sacrifice on the altar of the Lord.
Bishop Carlos da Costa
Bishop Edir Macedo
The Benefit of A Sacrifice
“Now it came to pass the same night that the Lord said to him, “Take your father’s young bull, the second bull of seven years old, and tear down the altar of Baal that your father has, and cut down the wooden image that is beside it: Judges 6. 25
God was the first One to make a sacrifice and when he made it He wanted to cover Adam and eve’s shame because after they fell into temptation they became possessed and found out that they were naked, God in his infinite mercy killed an animal and made clothes with the animal skin to cover them.
Since then God had established the sacrifice in the world, not for His own benefit, but ours, so every time we sacrifice we are blessing our own life, because God doesn’t sacrifice the animal for Himself, He doesn’t eat, He doesn’t drink; “I will not take a bull from your house, nor goats out of your folds.” Psalm 50.9 Therefore, sacrifice is for our own benefit.
The boy in the wilderness who gave 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes, in the same day he took 12 baskets full of bread and fish; Abraham offered Isaac as a sacrifice, but God gave him a nation.
Bishop Carlos E Da Costa