You Have Power

Many times we wonder why things don't work out in our life as they should work and we get embarrassed without knowing which way we should take to change our life. Amazingly, many people don't know that they are those who have power to defeat themselves. We all know that when a person is defeated the first thing he/she does is to look for someone to blame, is hard for a defeated person to blame herself is much easier to blame somebody else but who can be blamed for our failures? Can we sincerely blame others when things go wrong in our life? In this world we sow and we reap the fruit of what we have sown, then we are not suppose to blame anybody when we fail, we should look into ourselves and find out what caused the disaster in our life. God is so awesome that He always gives us the second chance to start everything all over again. If you need a second chance you just need to ask and you shall receive.
Bishop Carlos E Da Costa
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