Friday, October 29, 2010

Ground preparations for the construction of the Temple have begun. Currently, they’re preparing the foundation by removing rocks and dirt from the grounds. It’s hard work that requires time, patience and perseverance.

The same applies in the construction of the temple of the Holy Spirit, which is you. God's thoughts replace yours (dirt and rocks), leaving space to build up your faith. Obviously, this requires time, patience and perseverance. However, there must be a starting point to this Work. And that can be now.

Traumas from your past are added to the problems of the present. This heavy burden neutralizes your strength. It's as if you're stuck and completely helpless before the world. Many have given up and allowed themselves to be swept away by life’s strong currents. Others have even considered suicide.

If this is how you find yourself at this time and you’re determined to find an answer, here’s what you should do: go to the bathroom or a quiet place, close the door, kneel down and quietly speak to God.

"I know that I’m not worthy of You, oh Lord.

But You said: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

I've been weary and burdened and need relief, now. If You really exist and that promise really came from Your mouth, then, in Jesus’ name, answer me now!"

Then, don’t say anything else. Just wait a minute for the answer. The Shadow of the Almighty will counsel you and when you get up, your life will never be the same.

Bishop Macedo

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