Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
It was impossible for the Israelites to escape Pharaoh’s bondage in Egypt because they were being enslaved. They groaned under Pharaoh’s bondage. They had no experience in war and physically speaking, they were malnourished because they ate slave food. Although they were many in numbers, they were weak. Pharaoh’s order was to kill any newborn baby boys. They were surrounded by Pharaoh’s entire army. It would be impossible to flee Egypt with so many weak women and children. And if that wasn’t enough, between Egypt and the land of Canaan was a vast desert, full of scorpions, snakes, no water and no food. How would they feed and give water to so many people?
They had the Red Sea and the Jordan River as barriers and heavily armed enemies angry and ready to strike. Death was imminent; it was impossible to get out of Egypt.
But the GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE remembered His people and came down on MOUNT SINAI, promising Moses He’d do the impossible: deliver them from their bondage in Egypt. God had one condition; they’d have to serve Him in Mount Sinai with all of their strength. That would be the door that would lead them to a new life. And so it happened, God's promise was fulfilled. The Pharaoh’s power, the drought in the desert’s power, the hunger in the desert’s power and the powerful armed enemies all had to bow before Moses’ faith. The Red Sea and the Jordan River had to subject themselves to Moses’ faith because he put it into practice over God's Word. They went from being poor, to carrying great wealth with them during their exodus.
The same spirit that possessed Pharaoh back then still acts out today, manifesting the same destructive power. It enslaves people to hunger, incurable diseases, loneliness, poverty, broken homes, drug addicted youths, bankruptcies, etc. Apparently, it’s impossible for those living under the same conditions as the Hebrews did in the past, to be set free from this twenty-first century Egypt.
The same God who made a promise on Mount Sinai has been hearing His people’s groans and that promise hasn’t expired, it’s still effective and just like He used Moses, by giving him a staff that symbolized faith, He’s also given us His Spirit and that faith. That’s why we, The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, are going to take a strand of your hair up to Mount Sinai. Your life is going to be represented by that strand of hair, so that God may do the impossible, giving new life to those who believe and this belief will be seen when you place all your strength on the altar.
The God of the Impossible waits for you on Mount Sinai, "where the Lord himself will live forever." (Psalms 68: 16)
Bishop Romuald
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Ground preparations for the construction of the Temple have begun. Currently, they’re preparing the foundation by removing rocks and dirt from the grounds. It’s hard work that requires time, patience and perseverance.
The same applies in the construction of the temple of the Holy Spirit, which is you. God's thoughts replace yours (dirt and rocks), leaving space to build up your faith. Obviously, this requires time, patience and perseverance. However, there must be a starting point to this Work. And that can be now.
Traumas from your past are added to the problems of the present. This heavy burden neutralizes your strength. It's as if you're stuck and completely helpless before the world. Many have given up and allowed themselves to be swept away by life’s strong currents. Others have even considered suicide.
If this is how you find yourself at this time and you’re determined to find an answer, here’s what you should do: go to the bathroom or a quiet place, close the door, kneel down and quietly speak to God. "I know that I’m not worthy of You, oh Lord.
But You said: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
I've been weary and burdened and need relief, now. If You really exist and that promise really came from Your mouth, then, in Jesus’ name, answer me now!"
Then, don’t say anything else. Just wait a minute for the answer. The Shadow of the Almighty will counsel you and when you get up, your life will never be the same.
Bishop Macedo
Thursday, October 21, 2010
40 Days or 40 Years?
The time promised by God for the people of Israel to take possession of the promised land was of just forty days but it ended up taking forty years, why? When God promises to do something in our life is because He is ready for that and no one better than Him knows that if we are blessed He will be glorified but when we prevent Him from doing what He has already planned for us then problems will be inevitable that was what happened to the children of Israel in the wilderness, when they should have crossed the desert in forty days they took forty painful and tearful years, what did they do? They simply put into practice what they had in their mind, their own thought, they decided to follow the impulse of their flesh and as a consequence they got totally lost in the wilderness; that’s what we have seen to happen to many people inside and outside of the church, how many of them come to church and hear the word of God and promptly agree with what is preached but right after the meeting is over most of them forget what they were told by the man of God? They leave the church and it seems that they are running for their lives.
The truth is, if we don’t follow what the Holy Spirit brings to us there’ll be no way to bless and change our life, who can please two masters at the same time? Or you please God by doing what He wants us to do or you please yourself by doing what you have in mind, exactly like the children of Israel did and it took them forty years of their lives and during those forty years many people died and could not enter the promised land, they saw the blessing but could not possess it.
We are in all the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God praying, persevering and crying out everyday in all services because we do believe that during these forty days God will do great things in the life of those who are listening to what we pastors are preaching those who are following not their own ideas but what they are learning from the Holy Spirit, we all have the opportunity of conquering our victories within forty days, God doesn’t change nor lie if He said “Ask you shall receive” is because if we really ask with faith we’ll receive, God will never tell us to do something in which He is not going to honor. So, the secret for you overcome your problems and change your life is to do exactly as the Holy Spirit has been telling you through the men of God, don’t try to do what is in your mind or what you hear from other people it may cost your whole life and what you should conquer in forty days it may take forty years.
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” Galatians 6.7
Bishop Carlos E Da Costa
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The Holy Spirit Intercedes For us
“Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Romans 8.26
To have the Holy Spirit is like to have a good lawyer at the court room in the Day of Judgment, someone who knows exactly what to say to defend his client, as the verse above mentions the Holy Spirit helps us in our weaknesses. Many people unfortunately have no idea why many of their prayers have no answers, no result is just because they don’t know how to ask, how to approach God in a correct way in order for them to receive what they need.
When we have the Holy Spirit and allow Him to act in our life He is able to intercede for us and without a doubt we will definitely receive the answer for any request we may make because no one better than Him knows what we need and knows we don’t ask as we should, that’s why, we ask but do not receive as He says, “You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss,…”James 4.2,3
If you don’t have the Spirit of God dwelling inside of you yet then you should seek for Him daily and He will intercedes on your behalf before God for sure He has the answers to your prayers and on November 25th you will have enough reasons to raise up your hands to give thanks to God.
Don’t miss the Lord’s Supper Sunday Oct 24th at 11am and on Nov 5th Night of Crying Out at 8:30pm
Monday, October 18, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Why Fear?
Fear 1
The Bible tells us that the fear involves torment (1 john 4:18), which is exactly what the devil uses to bring destruction to the church of the Lord Jesus. Job confessed, “For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, and what I dreaded has happened to me”
Faith is a powerful tool for edification; fear is a powerful tool for destruction. Faith is a sign of success; fear is a sign of failure.
Fear is also a manifestation of negative faith. We fear because we are sure that our worries will come true. This is the total opposite of Christian faith, and yet it is still faith. In other words, in the same way that God, through the Holy Spirit, strengthens Christian faith in the hearts of His children, the devil, through unclean and deceiving spirits, strengthens negative faith, or fear, in the hearts of those who have rejected genuine Christian faith.
Satan used the apostle Peter to try and dissuade the Lord Jesus from doing what He came to do. He also speaks to us, trying to rush us into wrong decisions. He incites fear and, as a consequence, we become weak. How many times have we become fearful because of circumstances that were arranged by devil or words that were spoken by people we love?
In this respect, we must be very careful, because the devil will not use people we distrust; on the contrary, He will use those close to us, those whom we love the most. As a consequence we must be alert and yet not allow fear or worry to find room in our hearts. Fear and worry produce torment and death.
To be continued next week!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Renato Cardoso's Blog: Gold from your enemies
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Strong Wind
We’ve learned that the benefits of faith happen because of our obedience to the Word. But what has gone unnoticed is that obedience, in itself, is an action. Not, a feeling.
Faith is an attitude, an action; a movement. When we walk in the faith, God's Spirit moves us. Therefore, you won’t be fearful, doubtful, anxious or worried. Instead, you’ll have certainty, conviction, determination and courage to invest towards the Divine plan. This causes great chemistry between your faith and the Spirit.
God is spirit.
The original meaning of the word spirit is associated with the wind, a rush of air, a breath, light, fire, etc. Jesus taught us that whosever guided by the Holy Spirit is like the wind; Moses saw that the burning bush wasn’t being consumed; while Israel was in the wilderness, they were led by a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day; when the Temple was inaugurated, God’s presence came down in the form of fire; Elijah prayed and fire came down from heaven; the disciples were gathered in a room, when suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind filled the entire house.
Those who walk in Spirit, walk in faith and take action.
It’s not worth having lots of Biblical knowledge if you don’t take action. Many think that’s all they need to conquer salvation and end up being accommodated in the faith. They’re very active in being disobedient, but passive when it comes to practicing the Word. For these kinds of people, the Lord has the following message: What right have you to recite my laws or take my covenant on your lips? You hate my instruction and cast my words behind you. Psalm 50:16-17.
Those who are possessed by the Spirit are driven by a violent wind. They’re obedient. That’s why the Holy Spirit inspires, is active and conquers the Promised Land.
God promised Canaan to Abraham and his descendants. But, like any other of the Divine promises, they didn’t happen automatically. We have to take possession of them. But between receiving them and conquering them, we have a long way to go. It’s through the action of faith that we take possession of the promises.
The soul’s salvation is no different. We were saved, are saved and will besaved if we persevere in the faith. We must continuously live by faith, taking action and following the Spirit’s direction.
Bishop Macedo
Friday, October 8, 2010
You Have Power

Many times we wonder why things don't work out in our life as they should work and we get embarrassed without knowing which way we should take to change our life. Amazingly, many people don't know that they are those who have power to defeat themselves. We all know that when a person is defeated the first thing he/she does is to look for someone to blame, is hard for a defeated person to blame herself is much easier to blame somebody else but who can be blamed for our failures? Can we sincerely blame others when things go wrong in our life? In this world we sow and we reap the fruit of what we have sown, then we are not suppose to blame anybody when we fail, we should look into ourselves and find out what caused the disaster in our life. God is so awesome that He always gives us the second chance to start everything all over again. If you need a second chance you just need to ask and you shall receive.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Power of Asking.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Ask and Act!
“Now it happened as He went to Jerusalem that He passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. Then as He entered a certain village, there met Him ten men who were lepers, who stood afar off. And they lifted up their voices and said, “Jesus, master, have mercy on us!” So when He saw them, he said to them, “Go, show yourselves to the priest.” Luke 17.11-14
Without a doubt the Lord Jesus could have healed those ten men right away at the same time because He has enough power to do that, but instead of healing them He told them to go and show themselves to the priest, though it’s not written but I don’t think that those sick and miserable men were expecting to see the priest while they were suffering with lepers, but they simply believed and did exactly as Jesus told them to do and on their way to see the priest they conquered their healing.
Meditating about what happened to those men we can easily understand why many people get disappointed with their faith, they carry in their mind a false idea that everything they have to do to be blessed is to say a prayer and that’s it, a miracle is going to happen, and the miracle never happens. They get disappointed and frustrated. For a miracle to happen it is more than necessary that actions of faith be taken to provoke a miracle. That’s why, the Lord Jesus didn’t think twice, He told the ten men with lepers to go and show themselves to the priest.
Whatever miracle you want it is more than possible to happen but, your faith has to be put into action, if you simply ask and wait for something to fall from heaven you’ll never change your life. Whenever you ask for anything from God make sure you are ready to act your faith in order to provoke the blessing you most want in your life.
Sunday, October 17th we will start a forty days journey of the power of asking, you will have the best opportunity to ask and to act your faith to bless your life.
Bishop Carlos E Da Costa
Monday, September 27, 2010
Ask! You Shall Receive - Oct.17th
Friday, September 24, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Ask! You Shall Receive

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Are You Revolted?

But there is no such thing as routine when you truly live by faith, just as marriage is never a routine when one truly loves the other.
Living by faith requires continual sacrifice, just as living together requires sacrifice from both sides.
When we live by faith, there is a dependence on the Spirit of God; when we depend on Him, we live by faith. The same is true about marriage. When there’s true love, there is mutual dependence. There is peace and harmony, respect, consideration and loyalty.
Many have used faith as a tool for spiritual comfort at a deathbed; not for their personal gain. They are subject to failure because of a "faith" in the suffering of the cross, in the enduring of trials, in karma, or fate. In ignoring God’s promises, they are driven by such sacrilege without complaining.
A person who has the Spirit of God is revolted against the injustices and evils of this world—never complacent, comforted or resigned.
Bishop Macedo
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Sunday Special
Saturday, August 21, 2010
The House of God Cleansed
“Hezekiah became king when he was twenty-five years old, and he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem.
In the first year of his reign, in the first month, he opened the doors of the house of the Lord and repaired them. Then he brought in the priests and the Levites, and gathered them in the East Square, and said to them: Hear me, Levites! Now sanctify yourselves, sanctify the house of the Lord God of your fathers, and carry out the rubbishes from the holy place.” 2Chronicles 29. 1-5
Though king Hezekiah was very young God had trusted the whole city of Jerusalem along with its people into his hands, Hezekiah fully recognized that the main reason why the children of Israel were so weak while their enemies were so strong, to the point of making him come into the temple of God to cry out for help.
“The story says that they had trespassed and done evil in the eyes of the Lord our God…” 2Cr.29.6
When Hezekiah started to reign in Jerusalem he had as his first priority to open the temple of God and repair it, he cleaned the temple from everything he knew that was not pleasing before God, no one had told him to do that it was his personal decision he knew that because of all that trash inside the temple God could by no means stand by their side and fight for them because God has no part with what is evil that’s why Hezekiah had the cleansing of the temple as his first priority.
Many people don’t understand why they can’t overcome their obstacles and their enemies? While they make chains of prayers, they, repeatedly write prayer requests and it seems that they’ll never overcome their situation, and instead, they see their problems becoming bigger and bigger. What is it? Is it fruit of evil sent by someone else who doesn’t like them? Is it because they were born to suffer until they die? Maybe you say yes or maybe you say no, but the truth is, many people are more likely to become excited with what they see in the world and with the things the world offers them than with what the word of God tells them to do. See that is much easier for people to accept and believe in what they hear outside of the church than what they hear inside of the church. To practice the word of God is like carrying a heavy burden on their shoulders but to follow what their friends or family say seems to be much lighter.
Hezekiah’s first priority was to purify the temple that means to clean up his heart and people’s heart too, he knew that by acting in this way God would find room in their lives for Him to bless them. Many people don’t have this same desire as their first priority they only think about solving their problems or what they are going to receive through their prayers but without cleaning up their hearts from grudges, rancor and resentment that they persistently keep in their heart against some one who hurt them in the past God will find no room or pleasure in blessing their lives and taking their problems away from them.
Let’s purify the temple of God which is our hearts and not only that we also have to see what’s wrong with us what we have done that is not in accordance with the word of God and let’s cast that out. If you really want to change your life in every aspect so you need to take this step of faith right away and after you have cleansed your heart and have repented of what is wrong you shall be baptized in waters for the remission of your sins.
Bishop Carlos E Da Costa
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Get Your Life Back
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Lord's Supper
Sunday, July 18, 2010
On the Altar

There are problems in our life which with a simple prayer can solve or a chain of prayer can be more than enough to get such problems solved. But for greater things that have potential to make a huge transformation in our life and secure our salvation we can only conquer when we surrender 100% of everything we are, in order words, our whole life on the Altar of God. In one of the psalms we find these verses: 'Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known my name...And show him My salvation'. Psalm 91.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
Get Up!

Many people don't really understand why they fail before problems and situations in which they are more than capable of solving and overcoming. They start to search for reasons and explanations and never find a suitable answer for their failures. There is something very interesting that had happened thousands of years ago but it can be remembered and used to help us to have a better understanding why many things don't work as they should work in their lives. "So the Lord said to Joshua; "Get up! Why do you lie thus on your face? "Israel has sinned, and they have also transgressed my covenant which I commanded them. For they have even taken some of the accursed things, and have both stolen and deceived; and they have also put it among their own staff." Joshua 7. 10-12