Abraham Responsible For the Coming of The Lord Jesus
When God said, Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house and go to a land that I will show you.” Ge 12.1 Abraham didn’t think twice, he simply believed and obeyed. “And Abraham departed as the Lord had spoken to him.” Ge.12.4
From the day Abraham obeyed God’s voice by doing exactly as he was told to do, then a strong relationship between God and him was established and they started to walk together by having a mutual agreement, and this was what made Abraham become our father in faith.
Abraham made everything much easier for God to work out wonders in his life by just doing whatever God required from him.
We all know that God is the same of yesterday and He keeps the same power and the same desire of doing great things in our life today, but for what reason can’t He do the same today? Simply because there’s no genuine faith like Abraham’s and there’s no sincerity and sense of obedience like that of Abraham’s. This is what has prevented God from manifesting His Power as He has done before.
Abraham’s decision of leaving his country, his father’s house and his family was so important that marked the beginning of a generation from which the Lord Jesus would later on come from. ‘The book of genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham.’ Matthew. 1.1
By believing in the Word of God and by obeying it, Abraham didn’t frustrate God’s plans. Everything came out as God had planned. But with many people today this is totally different, though God has a plan of doing great things in their lives, He is not able to accomplish it because most of those who hear His word are not able to believe nor to obey it. Consequently, God’s plan of doing great things in his/her life is totally frustrated.
God doesn’t require from anybody any good education, beautiful appearance or special qualification. Everything He needs from us is to believe in what he said, in His promises. If right now as you are reading this message you confess that you true-heartedly believe that He is going to fulfill in your life everything He promised then, you can start to prepare yourself to possess His greatness.
If you believe and obey, you shall no longer be defeated by your problems.
Bishop Carlos E Da Costa
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