The Reason Behind the Campaign of Israel | |||||
Every year we visit the Holy Land, taking with us the prayer requests of thousands of people, because we know that for many, the Campaign of Israel is the opportunity to achieve the things that seem impossible to the human eye. Mount Moriah will witness the faith of those who believe. The prayer requests of those who will trust 100% of their lives to God will be taken to this place that saw the manifestation of God’s power, in the past.We know there are many people that are unhappy with their lives, and no longer accept to live paycheck to paycheck, in severe debt, marriage problems, watching how a loved one drowns in addictions and diseases. | ![]() | ||||
There are also those who, without having a significant problem, still have the dream of achieving something that seems increasingly more distant every day. For those people we’ll be holding this special Campaign. Your life has to change! In this occasion, Bishops and Pastors will be praying for you in the place that witnessed what was probably the biggest action of faith by a man – Mount Moriah. There, Abraham offered his son – Isaac - to God. Such an incredible example of pure faith made God scream from Heaven twice – the first time to tell Abraham to stop and spare the boy and the second to swear that He would bless him. “Then the Angel of the LORD called to Abraham a second time out of heaven, and said: “By Myself I have sworn, says the LORD, because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son— blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies. In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.” (Genesis 22:15-18) “And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Galatians 3:29) The promise is already there! Now it’s up to us to take action! Why participate in the Campaign of Israel?The history of Israel is marked by sacrifice, and sacrifice is the extreme expression of your faith. Abraham is a great example of that. God asked him to sacrifice his own son, and Abraham didn’t deny God what He asked. Consequently, he saw God’s greatness in his life. And that has happened with people around the world, who participated in this Campaign and did their sacrifice. Faith with works brings results to your life! In this special edition of Faith Works™, you’ll be able to see a little of what God has been doing through the materialization of faith. He has shown that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Use your faith, participate in the Campaign of Israel and, by your faith, your life will change. Why Israel?The Bible says: “Yes, many peoples and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the LORD.” (Zechariah 8:22) Why Mount Moriah?It’s certainly easier to pray in a valley rather than at the top of a mountain. It’s easier to reach, faster to get to and doesn’t involve any sacrifice. There are fewer difficulties in a valley. And yet, among the people of Israel, mountains were perceived as holy places. In climbing a mountain people’s faith was awakened! In other words, by climbing to the highest place we can, we show that we are truly serious about seeking God. Standing on the top of a mountain is like we’re getting rid of everything that could physically separate us from God. It’s just Him and us! Physically speaking, the ground is much lower than the skies, and so, by climbing a mountain we reveal a desire to be close to God. Climbing a mountain was without a doubt, a way for people to demonstrate their faith. When God would see the attitude of the people climbing, He would understand that their goal was to seek Him. God revealed Himself to Moses on a mountain. The first to climb a mountain to erect an altar to the Lord was Abraham, though. Mount Moriah was the place where Abraham sacrificed Isaac to God. Later, God would instruct Solomon to build His Temple there. During the consecration of the Temple, God promised, “Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:15) The Temple is not there anymore, but the place remains the same. There, your prayer requests will be presented to God. Campaign of Israel – 13th December 2009 |
Monday, November 30, 2009
Campaign of Israel
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
25 November 2009
“Look to Abraham your father, and to Sarah who bore you; for I called him alone, and blessed him and increased him.” (Isaiah 51:2)
Why does God ask us to look to Abraham? What does He want to show us? If there was nothing important to be seen, why should we look to him?
What God wants to show us is where Abraham’s obedience took him: He gave something to God that no one would ever give because of its value and importance. Something that was irreplaceable.
God is showing us a man at the limit of his faith, and God pushed to the point of swearing an oath, offering Himself as a guarantee (Genesis 22:16).
In other words, if I look at what he did and do the same, God will do to me what he did in the life of Abraham. The greatness of Abraham’s faith is his obedience.
There are people who believe and people who don’t believe. To whom do you look? Those who believe look to Abraham!
Do you believe that God can change the terrible situation you are facing in your family, love life, health or finances? So take your Isaac – whatever that may be – and place it before God. And on the altar, you can say, “God, You now owe me because I have also reached the limit of my faith!” And, because God cannot be indebted to anyone… WE WILL SET THE WORLD ON FIRE!
God bless you abundantly!
Bishop Romualdo Panceiro
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Testimony of the Campaign of Israel
Before I came to the Universal church my life was a disaster, I faced a lot of roadblocks in my sentimental life. The man I loved was living in Philadelphia Pennsylvania (USA) and I was living in Paris (France). I was very sad because we were separated for over four years and I had no hope of seeing him again. One day as I was walking, I was evangelized and was given a brochure of the Universal Church. It took me a few weeks before I actually went to the church, I remember it was on a Sunday I really felt like going to church, so I remembered I had that brochure, I got the address and went. The first time I came, the church was in the purpose of the Campaign of Israel. The Campaign had begun the week before. At that time I didn't have immigration papers in France, I was illegal and unemployed, and I decided to participate of the Campaign. I made my sacrifice and after 3 weeks I got my immigration papers and I was able to find a job.
A second Campaign of Israel took place six months later and I decided to participate again, I sacrificed my whole month’s salary in this Campaign, it wasn’t easy, I had no money to buy anything throughout the whole month. I prayed and asked God to transform my sentimental life, to operate a miracle, I wanted to get married to the man I loved.
One year after the Campaign I came to the United States and I was able to see him after four years of not seeing each other. On June 18th 2009 we got married and thank God today I can really say I am happy and our marriage is a blessing. The promises of God were fulfilled in my life.
Oke Emmanuelle – Philadelphia PA
Campaign of Israel
There are problems that can be solved by fasting, prayer and chains of prayer. The Bible teaches us to do that when the case is a matter that only requires perseverance. However, there are other situations that people go through where these 3 weapons of faith will not be enough. Only sacrifice. Why? Because the sacrifice takes a person to the limit of their faith. You don’t get to the limit of your faith only by fasting, praying or making chains of prayer. But you do get to the limit of your faith when you sacrifice.
Sacrifice guarantees the solution because it takes a person to the limit of their faith. Just like the case of Abraham: He had a situation that brought shame to him (he was childless)just like the situation of many people in the church. God did not ask him to pray or fast. Abraham was not a man of prayers and fasting. He was a man of action. Nothing would have happened if he was a man of prayer and fasting but disobeyed God’s voice.
Many people in church pray and fast but they don’t get to the limit of faith. All our prayers and fasting will be useless if we say ‘no’ to God when he asks for our Isaac. Abraham never said ‘no’ to God. He would never be our father of faith and become the victorious man he was if he refused to give Isaac to God.
There are things that can be replaced (house, car, clothes, jewelry) but not a son. Another son cannot replace the one that was lost. What God asked Abraham could not be replaced by man. What Abraham gave was “Irreplaceable”.
God asks us for what we have in order to give us what we don’t have. Unbelieving people say ‘no’ to God because they believe the valuable things they have are irreplaceable. They claim to believe in God, pray and fast, but refuse to sacrifice. They hold on to things but these things don’t bring them peace, health, family nor life.
In this campaign, God asks you to give your Isaac so He can give you what you don’t have and He guarantees that to you through swearing by Himself!
Bishop Romualdo - Argentina
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Campaign of Israel
How To Be Perfect Before God
“When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless.” Genesis 17. 1
The only connection channel between God and man is the sacrificial faith, through the sacrificial faith we come into the Presence of the Almighty God, the access to Him is not done through charitable works, merits or knowledge of His word or not even the time we’ve been to church, if there’s no manifestation of sacrificial faith no one is able to enter before His majesty.
God is the Creator of sacrifice, he was the first one to sacrifice an animal in the Garden of Eden to cover man’s fall and shame before the devil, see that for God Himself to come to man and cover his needs He had to make a sacrifice then, how can we come into His presence and call His attention without sacrificing?
The perfect sacrifice has power to make us appear blameless before God because through sacrifice we are justified before Him, as Paul said, “Therefore, have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have ACCESS by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.” Romans 5.1,2
Perfect Sacrifice is the one who makes us dependent on God only, when the sacrifice we make is really perfect then, there’s no options for us nor for God and that’s when He has to fulfill all His promises in our lives.
By taking his son Isaac to be sacrificed on top of Mount Moriah, Abraham reached the climax, the perfection and the extreme of his faith, and because of that action Abraham was called God’s friend and became a father of a great nation.
Clearly and without any shadow of doubt, perfect sacrifice is the only way to bring you a perfect marriage, is the only power that can make your family, financial and sentimental life to be perfect and worthy to be a son of God.
“This is the sum of the years of Abraham’s life which he lived; one hundred and seventy-five years. Then Abraham breathed his last and he died in a GOOD OLD AGE, an old man and FULL OF YEARS, and was gathered to his people. Genesis 25. 7,8
You too can conquer the same blessing through a perfect sacrifice.
In the Faith of Abraham!
Bishop Carlos E Da Costa
Monday, November 16, 2009
Campaign of Israel

"Then He brought him outside and said, "Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them." And He said to him, "So shall your descendants be." AND he BELIEVED IN THE LORD, and He accounted it to him for righteousness." Genesis 15.5,6
Saturday, November 14, 2009
I believe! So what?
13 November 2009
There are only two kinds of people: those who believe and those who don’t believe in God. But in the universe of “believers”, not everyone truly believes, which is why the number of unbelievers is always on the rise.
To believe in God is to believe in His Word. To believe in the Word is to believe in its Author. This belief involves the unconditional surrender of one’s own life. And, in exchange for that, the person receives God’s revelations.
But, who believes in the Bible? Obviously, not everyone. So what? Does it lose its power because of that? Can the opinion of sceptics and unbelieving people nullify the eternal Word? The Word is the same yesterday, today and forever. It’s independent of whether we accept the speculations and contradictions of science by the intellectuals who have lived—or will live—in this world.
However, the power of the Almighty is revealed to those of us who are fortunate enough to believe. Answers, life, deliverance, transformation and salvation are all here, now and for eternity.
It’s not what people say or think that matters, but what we believe in. This is what really counts.
God bless all of you abundantly
Friday, November 13, 2009
Campaign of Israel
What is The Campaign of Israel All About?
Israel was the only place on Earth chosen by God to manifest His power doing great wonders in the past. As we all know that God didn’t change, today He is the same God of yesterday and as He did wonders in the life of many people who believed in the power of His Word in the past, we do believe He wants to do the same thing TODAY in our lives. That’s why bishops and pastors of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God worldwide, go to Israel twice a year taking with them the prayer requests of millions of people spread all over the world. There they cry out to God to see the fulfillment of His promises in the life of all those who manifested their faith by making a sacrifice. Many people have already tested God this way and have seen God’s power manifested in their lives. You also can do the same by participating of the Campaign of Israel.
The Campaign of Israel is coming soon! This will be the best opportunity for you to write down your biggest problem or your most important dream. On the day of the Campaign you will present it on the Altar of the Lord in the church. This time, pastors and bishops will take the prayer requests to make a great cry out for you at Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, where God swore by Himself to bless Abraham and all his descendants by faith.
The Campaign of Israel is a singular opportunity given by God to those who definitely believe that they can conquer their victories. This is a campaign of faith that requires perseverance, determination and sacrifice, because that’s the only way we can prove that we really believe that God will fulfill His promises in our lives.
Bishop Carlos E Da Costa
Thursday, November 5, 2009
The Faith of Abraham

Abraham Responsible For the Coming of The Lord Jesus
When God said, Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house and go to a land that I will show you.” Ge 12.1 Abraham didn’t think twice, he simply believed and obeyed. “And Abraham departed as the Lord had spoken to him.” Ge.12.4
From the day Abraham obeyed God’s voice by doing exactly as he was told to do, then a strong relationship between God and him was established and they started to walk together by having a mutual agreement, and this was what made Abraham become our father in faith.
Abraham made everything much easier for God to work out wonders in his life by just doing whatever God required from him.
We all know that God is the same of yesterday and He keeps the same power and the same desire of doing great things in our life today, but for what reason can’t He do the same today? Simply because there’s no genuine faith like Abraham’s and there’s no sincerity and sense of obedience like that of Abraham’s. This is what has prevented God from manifesting His Power as He has done before.
Abraham’s decision of leaving his country, his father’s house and his family was so important that marked the beginning of a generation from which the Lord Jesus would later on come from. ‘The book of genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham.’ Matthew. 1.1
By believing in the Word of God and by obeying it, Abraham didn’t frustrate God’s plans. Everything came out as God had planned. But with many people today this is totally different, though God has a plan of doing great things in their lives, He is not able to accomplish it because most of those who hear His word are not able to believe nor to obey it. Consequently, God’s plan of doing great things in his/her life is totally frustrated.
God doesn’t require from anybody any good education, beautiful appearance or special qualification. Everything He needs from us is to believe in what he said, in His promises. If right now as you are reading this message you confess that you true-heartedly believe that He is going to fulfill in your life everything He promised then, you can start to prepare yourself to possess His greatness.
If you believe and obey, you shall no longer be defeated by your problems.
Bishop Carlos E Da Costa
Monday, November 2, 2009
Day of Healing
The Power of the Word
November 02 2009
Most people have faith in God, but not everyone has achieved success in their faith simply because their faith lacks foundation. When faith is based upon the solid foundation of the Word of God, it has quality. And it is exactly this kind of faith that we can call “quality faith”—a faith that promotes or brings a life of quality.
The lack of quality in faith is exactly the reason why most religious people do not obtain practical results from their faith, even though they have faith in God. Life depends on faith. But if faith lacks quality, then life also will be a life that lacks quality.
Let’s take for example our father in faith, Abraham, for the following reason: the Lord teaches us, saying, “Look to Abraham” (Isaiah 51:2). Therefore, we should imitate him in faith and in obedience.
It was through his courage and boldness that he materialised the faith of the heart, when he offered his son Isaac. Besides having a courageous faith, he was patient to wait for the fulfilment of the promise.
Abraham had the privilege of being the first to receive the promise of God with an oath. Through him, all those who believe are blessed, but only those who are of his faith are the true Abrahamic descendants and heirs.
It is not according to the law that Abraham’s descendants will inherit his blessings, but according to the same quality of faith in God that he manifested.
Because of the nature of his faith, Abraham became God’s friend and heir of all His promises. He was elected by Him because of the sincerity of his heart and, ultimately, because of the covenant
Bishop Macedo