
“A wise man’s heart is at his right hand, but a fool’s heart at his left”.Ecclesiastes 10.2
Though our heart is in the left side of our chest, God is looking for those whose heart is inclined to the right side. Why? The reason why many Christians fail in life is exactly because they live their lives with their hearts inclined to the left side, being so, this person’s heart is led by emotions, feelings or guided by what his/her eyes see. The Bible says that the heart is deceitful… an emotional heart can bring us many traps to destroy our own lives.
The heart inclined to the right is the heart that lives by faith, never falls or fails before the problems nor subjects itself before the devil.
All the great heroes of faith such as: Abraham, Isaac, Israel, Moses and many others had their hearts inclined to the right, in other words, they lived by faith there was no room for feelings or any type of thoughts contrary to faith.
In the Bible we find the example of Jephthah who made a vow with God. It’s written, “And Jephthah made a vow to the Lord, and said, “If You will indeed deliver the people of Ammon into my hands, then it will be that whatever comes out of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the people of Ammon, shall surely be the Lord’s and I will offer it up as a burnt offering.”
When Jephthah came to his house at Mizpah, there was his daughter, coming out to meet him with timbrels and dancing; and she was the only child. Besides her he had neither son nor daughter. And it came to pass, when he saw her, that he tore his clothes, and said, Alas, my daughter! You have brought me very low! You are among those who trouble me! For I have given my word to the Lord, and I cannot go back on it.” Judges 11. 30,31,34,35
Only a person whose heart is inclined to the right side and lives by faith is able to fulfill an extreme and painful vow like this. If Jephthah was living by emotions or feelings, like many who claim themselves Christians but are not ready to sacrifice to the God they say they believe in, for sure Jephthah would have denied to fulfill his vow. The characteristic of those whose heart is inclined to the left is exactly that, they are not ready to sacrifice.
Many people have destroyed their lives because they have an emotional heart and their actions are led by feelings, they always despise the promises of God.
The question is: Which side is your heart inclined to? Left or Right?
Are you carrying a heart of sentiment or of faith? If you have a heart of faith make sure that very soon your life will be God’s blessing in this world.
Bp Carlos
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