Friday, December 18, 2009

Prophecies, visions and dreams
18 December 2009


Having dreams are intrinsic to all of us. But the realisation of a dream can only happen if it’s conceived with supernatural faith.

This type of faith doesn’t happen by chance. Supernatural faith arises only through meditating on the Word of God. God’s Promises remove all spiritual blindness, and allow us to understand God’s will and envision His greatness. But our actions are the spark that ignites our supernatural faith into a flame.

Throughout time, the Holy Spirit has protected the authenticity of His Word so that not even the smallest letter or the least stroke of a pen would disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished (Matthew 5:18). Yet even though the Bible testifies God’s Word, that alone is not enough to have it fulfilled in our lives. We must believe and stay true to that Word, otherwise nothing happens.

It is necessary to distinguish between a mere human desire and a dream born of God’s heart. When God gives us a dream He also gives us the faith to achieve it.

While concerned with the dream of saving his family from a corrupt and pagan generation, Noah received God’s vision of the ark and the instructions on how to build it. And even when everyone considered him crazy he remained firm in his belief in God’s promise.

Abraham dreamed of having a child and God gave him the physical conditions to have it. The situation seemed physically impossible but Abraham believed, and so achieved.

The prophet Elijah had a dream to expose the prophets of Baal for who they were. When the opportunity arose, God gave him the necessary faith to accomplish it.

Also, Paul had a dream of announcing the Gospel among the Gentiles (not the Jews). God gave him the faith and courage to do so.

All of them, in one way or another, had to pay the price of the conquest. There is no realisation of a dream without a sacrifice.

Bishop Macedo

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