Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wealthy children
30 September 2009


God’s greatest desire is that we reveal the image of His Son Jesus; He wants us to exude Christ’s fragrance.

“For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.” (2 Corinthians 2.15)

He wants us to show the world that we are true children and citizens of His Kingdom, His Own special people, a holy nation, pure and unblemished; capable of showing the devil and all demons that we are valuable and that we have a Father who gives us an abundant life!

When your child does well in school, and your friends and neighbours praise him for that, you feel honoured, happy, satisfied—confident that all the efforts and sacrifices you made for him were worthwhile.

On the other hand, what is your reaction when your child does not do well in school, when he doesn’t learn anything, gets home with his uniform dirty and his face hurt because he is constantly beaten by his school mates, or when he is always ill or unhappy?

Obviously, you feel angry and upset, because you can’t stand to see him suffer. That is exactly how the Lord our Father feels. He does not want us to see us ill, in misery, or defeated.

Bishop Macedo

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Word of Faith

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People deceive themselves by thinking that affliction has to do with daily physical problems. In fact, affliction has nothing to do with family problems, social disparities, diseases, infirmities, financial problems, etc.

Affliction is related only to Christian faith. It has to do with true and sincere Christians who face the burning fire of persecution, injustice, mockery, criticism, insults and even loneliness because of their faith in the Lord Jesus.

Because of their faith, many men and women have been rejected, beaten and even killed. But why do Christians have to go through that? Couldn’t God put an end to afflictions?

Of course He could! However we can’t forget that faith was given precisely to be used against all evil and to overcome it with power. God knew what His children were going to face! That’s why He gave them an efficient weapon. Faith is a hidden treasure inside every Christian. The devil will try to steal this treasure by causing difficult situations (afflictions) to discourage the faithful.

No matter how heavy and constant afflictions may be, Paul affirms that they are light and momentary. That is because of the final result it brings which is "working for us a more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal." (2 Corinthians 4.17,18).

May God bless you all abundantly,
Bishop Edir Macedo

Monday, September 21, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Making Decisions!

How destructive a wrong decision can be! many times led by circumstance, feelings and emotions we make decision which at first seems to be even good and reasonable but as the time goes by we realize that we have made a big mistake in life because that decision was totally wrong.
A wrong decision can push your entire life all the way back and you probably won't be able to recover the time you lost. Thinking about this, we at the Universal Church are starting 7 very important Sundays in which you've got a chance to learn how you can make right decision and change your life in every aspects.
Visit us at you can have more of these 7 Sundays that start on Sept 20th through November 1st. Or you can call us right now or at 1888 793 6411.
Bishop Carlos E Da Costa

Monday, September 14, 2009

Right or Wrong?

Every decision we make brings its consequences up on our life, even though most of the times we don't really think about the type of consequence our decision can cause to us because according to the situation or the moment in which we are going through we many times don't stop to think about that and for this reason we only see the consequences only long after we make our decision.
We all know that there's no way we can live without making decisions, whether we want or not life itself will lead us into situations which will force us to make decisions. Therefore, it's very imperative that we are prepared to make right decision.
Within the next 7 Sundays we in the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God will teaching you and preparing you to make right decisions and avoid to making those decisions that can destroy your whole life. From September 20th through November 1st. Specially at 11am and also 5pm
Bishop Carlos E Da Costa
For info call 1888 798 6411

Life begins with…
14 September 2009


I would to like to talk about a subject that is extremely important.

Our life begins with our relationship with God. Our life does not begin when we graduate from university or become a successful professional. Not at all! Our life begins with God. No matter how intelligent a person is or the qualifications he has, without God, he’s doomed to failure. Why? Because of his lack of communication with God.

Many people say they want to get married because they want to be happy. But why do they think they will be happy if they just get married? Because they’ll be joined to someone they love. In theory, this is a wonderful thing… But how many married people are now unhappy, living a life much worse than when they were single? Why? Because they married the wrong person!

The problem is that we know that our happiness depends on someone else. No one wants to be lonely, regardless of his sexual preference. Maybe you ask, “Is it possible to stay single and still be happy?” Yes, it is possible, but the probabilities are very thin.

Usually people only feel complete when they establish their own families. No matter what they have accomplished during their “single” life, real life only begins when they are united to someone they love.

And so a person doesn’t begin to live when he is born, when he goes to university or when he becomes successful, but when he is united to someone else in order to build a family. Interesting, isn’t it? And yet, this is not what happens in the world today. Rarely do we see people marrying and living happily ever after. People get married and live in an inferno; instead of life, all hell breaks loose when they get married. It’s frustrating!

But it’s not that way with God. You don’t need to have qualifications or knowledge. It doesn’t matter if you are too young or too old, all you have to do is to marry Him; to make Him the One who you’re going to share your life with forever. With God, there’s no risk of being unhappy because He always wants what is good for us. This is the formula for happiness.

People all over the world are pursuing marriage in order to be happy. In the back of their minds, they know that their happiness depends on someone else. Or do you think a person is happy just being an island?

However, when we put our relationship or covenant with God in first place, rather than someone else, we guarantee our happiness for the rest of our lives. It doesn’t mean that we won’t have problems—we will face problems in this world—but, with God, we stand firm and secure; we conquer and are happy. We are partners with God and wherever we go, God is with us.

Today it’s much easier for a marriage to fail than to succeed. You know that. And when marriage fails, the children suffer the consequences. But when we put God first, God Himself finds the “perfect match” for us! Isn’t it wonderful? He finds the person who completes us. He knows each one of us, so He will find someone who also belongs to Him in order to complete us, and become like a perfect pot of mashed potatoes—inseparable!

That’s exactly what God wants to do for you!

Bishop Macedo

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Your Decision and Your Future

We make decisions everyday whether these decisions are big or small, good or bad we always have to make them because our daily life requires it. But there's a decision which we consider as remarkable in our life because through this particular decision we will define our future.Therefore, we have to be extra careful in time of making decisions, it's something that cannot be made by emotions or feelings of the heart but by an intelligent faith that allows you to think, meditate and see the consequences of your decision.
On Sept 13th you'll have a chance to make the most important decision of your life.
If you have questions or doubts about how you can make a right decision, feel free to call us at 1888 793 6411 or you can e-mail us to
Sunday special Service at 11AM also 5PM
The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God
3801 N Broad Street, Philadelphia.

Friday, September 4, 2009

One Decision Can Change your Life

You may take a minute to make a decision and your entire life to reap the consequences of your decision!!
Sept 13th, you will experience the most important day of your life.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Just One Decision

We all know how powerful and important a decision can be in our life. Therefore, you who are about to make a decision in your life must be 100% sure of what you want because after you decide you won't be able to shrink back. That's why is very important that you keep your communion with God right on top of everything you do, is important to have a pact with God and become one with Him, and the chances to make mistake in your decision will be none, because God doesn't make mistakes!
Sept.13th at 11am