Monday, August 31, 2009

Born of God

Onslaught of evil
31 August 2009


A frightening diagnosis, a curse of witchcraft, a death threat, and all else that terrorises the heart, are darts from hell to confront our faith. If our faith is based on the Word of God, none of these things will matter; however, if our faith is based on our emotions, the heart will tremble and collapse before the problems.

For this reason, the Spirit warns us not to look at things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal (2 Corinthians 4.17,18).

When we take intelligent faith into account, we do not accept doubts or give in to any “light and momentary” affliction, however difficult it might seem. On the contrary, we manifest a natural resistance as a result of our personal conviction! That’s when revolt comes in and we demand the fulfilment of the Word of the Eternal God.

This is to see what cannot be seen, to believe the impossible, to live from faith to faith and by faith.

How can a person understand this if he is not born of God?

By Bishop Macedo

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Are you Feeling Frustrated?

How Can You Make the Right Decision?

What’s your biggest frustration right now? What is making you really unhappy? If you take a close look at your life, are you happy with what you see? If you look at your love life, your family, your financial life or your spiritual life, are you happy with what you see right now? Ok, we all believe that there’s always something good for everyone and that’s what stands behind the Day of Decision. This event is for all those who are frustrated with their life and want to change. And perhaps you are in this situation, you’ve been carrying a lot of frustrations in life, you want to change your situation but you don’t know how you are going to do that, that’s why we have set up September 13th as the Day of Decision, for you who are tired of problems, humiliation, and frustrations and you who want to give a turn around in your life.

We all know that life is made by decisions, everyday we have to make decisions whether they are good or bad, big or small but we have to make it and the type of life we live shows the type of decision we make, then you can see that there’s no way you can live in this world without make decisions, but how can you make the right decision? Which steps should you take for you not to make mistake when you make your decision? First step is to know the reality of your life, what you really want to do or to conquer, and the second one is to make your decision by faith not by emotions. There are many people crying and suffering because one day made decisions led by feelings and emotions, they were not able to meditate and think about what they were doing, just did it and later on they regretted.

The Day of decision will be decisive for you who are fed up of your situation, it will be a starting point to change your life, therefore, you cannot be led by emotions, feelings or someone else’s opinion, you’ve got to do everything by your own intelligent faith and make things happen in your life.

If you really believe you can be a much better person, you can go much higher than that then, Day of Decision is for you, but if you don’t believe your life can change or if you say you have already done everything you should and there’s nothing else to be done then, just forget about the Day of Decision because you have no chance to change your life.

September 13th has to be a day to remember as the beginning of your new life. As The United States of America will never forget September 11th, you will never forget September 13th.

Bishop Carlos E Da Costa

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Steps to making a decision

1. Look at your life. What are you frustrated about? What do you not want to continue to happen? No one can decide to change without first hating the situation they’re in.

2. Understand that your life is the result of your decisions. Your life at this moment is the result of hundreds or thousands of decisions that you made (or failed to make) since birth.

3. Decide to do something right now to change your life. If the desire to change remains inside of you, and is not outwardly expressed through some sort of decision, it has no power whatsoever. It has no power to help. Change only happens when a decision is made.

Remember that faith is a decision, and a decision is faith. Before I decide anything, I have to believe (have faith) that it will work, and for my faith to work, I have to make a decision to act on it. The Day of Decision is actually the day of faith in action!

PS. When you don’t make your own decisions, someone will make them for you. That’s when you complain, saying: “Yea, but I didn’t have a choice.” But the real truth is that you took so much time deciding that someone came along and decided for you.

Problems require a reaction of

equal magnitude

Ahab was the worst king that Israel had had up to that point. He did more evil than all that had preceded him. “Ahab did more to provoke the Lord God of Israel to anger than all the kings of Israel who were before him.”

On the other hand, who did God raise up to confront the worst of all kings? Elijah, the prophet of fire.

Elijah was the most clear-thinking, bold, courageous prophet in the history of Israel. To fight the worst king, God raised up the greatest prophet.

This teaches us a very important lesson: My react to a problem has to match its intensity. Proverbs 24.10 says: “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.” Today we would say: “If you fall to pieces in a crisis, there wasn't much to you in the first place.”

If I want to change my life, overcome something evil that has controlled me, or a warrior that’s imprisoned me, I have to be a greater man of war than he!

A pastor has to be more of a warrior than the devil, who has held people back and blocked them from coming to the church. The wounded must be stronger than their wound, and the poor bolder than their poverty.

If you stop and think about it, this is nothing new. It’s simply a question of common sense and courage.

The power of making one day special

“One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord.” Romans 14.5,6

Obviously, this passage is explaining our power to decide what we want. If I think all days are equal, then for me they will be. And if I view a certain day as special and elevate it above all others, then for me that day will be special.

But it doesn’t stop there.

This passage says that whoever makes one day more special than another does it “to the Lord”. In other words, God sees and accepts the distinction that I make, and responds by making that day truly more special in my life.

This helps us better understand another passage: “What we bind on earth will be bound in heaven.” Heaven simply confirms what we have already determined on earth! All miracles begin on earth, not in heaven.

Whoever considers the Day of Decision a more special day than the rest, will make it a turning point that divides his life into before and after.

Bishop Renato Cardoso

Friday, August 21, 2009

Faith and Decision

Faith is a power that has to be manifested to bring you results. When we are possessed by faith we go straight to what we want from God. There's no need of talking too much for you to call His attention. The blind man for example, didn't waste his time when he was before the Lord Jesus, "So Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called. Then they called the blind man, saying to him, "Be of good cheer. Rise, He is calling you. And throwing aside his garment, he rose and came to Jesus. So Jesus answered and said to him, "What do you want Me to do for you?" The blind man said, Rabboni, that I may receive my sight". Then Jesus said to him, "Go your way; your faith has made you well." And immediately re received his sight and followed Jesus on the road."Mark 10. 49-52.
In the same way you are going to do in the Day of Decision, you are going to come ready to stand before God and determine exactly what you want from Him for you to give a turn around in your entire life. The blind man received his sight back and everything he could not see before, from that day on he was able to see. And you? What do you want to see after you make your decision?
September 13th will be the turning point for a different life, what you haven't seen yet you will be able to see, therefore, you should get ready to make a right decision.
You can visit the website of this event:
Bishop Carlos E Da Costa

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Is There Love In Your Family?
Have you ever enjoyed love at its fullest?
If you've been always stricken by constant arguments, loneliness, unstable relationships, blocked love life, affairs and unfaithfulness, broken marriage, sickness in the family, rebellious children, then you can't afford to miss this special meeting Sunday August 23rd at 11am. In this meeting you will receive a special prayer to bless your love life and your family. Bring your wedding ring or a photograph of the person you love or the one you are praying for to be anointed with a blessed perfume. If you want to know more about this meeting you just need to call us at 1888 793 6411


"And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath"...Dt.28.13
Your right decision can take you out of the situation you've been going through and no one else is able to decide for you, this is something very personal, you can't depend on anybody. Therefore, get ready to decide what type of life you want to enjoy after Sept. 13th.
To know more about this event visit; or call us at 1 888 793 6411

Monday, August 17, 2009

Do you Need a Second Chance?

What would you do if God gives you a 2nd chance to start everything all over again in your life?
If you want to know visit now:


On Sept 13th we'll all have a great opportunity of making our own decision knowing that one decision can change our entire life. But this decision will be making based on who you are, so the first thing you got to do is to know what type of person you are, what you really want in life, whether you want to remain as you are or you want to change what you are. If you are a bastard and you don't care about your life, if you are a person who gets satisfied with any type of small thing then, the Day of Decision will have no expression for you, it will not bring you any difference. But if you consider yourself a child of God then, your decision will bring fire upon your life and consequently you will make the difference. See what Elijah said to the captain of fifty men who came to arrest him and kill him. "Then the king sent to him a captain of fifty with his fifty men. So he went up to him; and there he was, sitting on top of the hill. And he spoke to him; 'Man of God, the king said, Come down!" So Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, "If I am a man of God, then let fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty men". And fire came down from heaven and consumed him and his fifty men." 2 Kings 1. 9,10
Elijah knew very well who he was and made his decision based on what he was, and fire came down from heaven. And how about you? What are you going to make come down from heaven on Setp 13th? Are you going to make fire come down from heaven as well ? Or you are going to be arrested and killed by your problems? Your decision will depend on who you are. If you are a child of God, then on Setptember 13th you are going to make fire come down from heaven upon your life to consume all evil force and all power of darkness. Get ready!!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Day of Decision is Near - Sep 13th

"Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision". Joel 3.14

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


One Child is Dead and the Other One is Alive

Lack of decision has been probably the root of failures, disappointment, and shame of many people, there’s nothing worst than to be undecided on what you have to do. How many people are able to star something but never accomplish their goals, they never go all the way to reach out their targets?

Many times in life we have to make decisions even if we have to oppose our own will but if that decision is going to bring benefit then, there’s no choice at all. Read what king Solomon decided to do to solve a matter between two women; “And the King said, “No, But your son is the dead one, and my son is the living one.” Then the King said, “Bring me a sword”, So they brought a sword before the king. And the king said, “Divide the living child in two, and give half to one and half to the other”, Then the woman whose son was living said to the king, for she yearned with compassion for her son; and she said, “O my lord, give her the living child, and by no means kill him,! But the other said, “Let him be neither mine nor yours, but divide him.” So the king answered and said, “Give the first woman the living child, and by no means kill him; she is his mother.” 1Kings 3. 23-27 That’s the way king Solomon solved the women’s problem. When you make right decision you change your life.

The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God. Get ready for this event in which you will find a way out to change your life.

You can have more information about this powerful event by calling us at 1888 793 6411

Monday, August 10, 2009

Very Important

Becoming an “Old Maid”
7 August 2009


Evil is relentless in suggesting doubts, fears and worries, and because of that, anxiety sets in. And then, it suggests quick solutions through some kind of “friendly” advice—just like with the man who built his house on the sand.

“You haven’t married yet? Oh… isn’t that too bad? If you’re not careful you’ll end up an old maid!”

This is just an example of a situation that makes a woman fear that God will not answer her prayers. Time goes by and anxiety grows, fomented by people used by evil.

That’s why it’s so important to invest in our faith daily. Only faith can drive away doubts, fears and anxiety.

Jesus said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan!” (Matthew 16:23).

Friends, never forget one thing: those who are not well will always be used by evil to spread evil.

Run away from them! Even if they have a godly appearance, run away from them!

Don’t allow them to fill your mind with rubbish, contaminating your faith with a lot of blah blah blah…

Use your ability to think and don’t be influenced by other people’s doubts.

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful.” (Psalm 1:1)

By Bishop Macedo

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Day of Decision September 13th

Which decision are you ready to make? How long have you been wavering between two thoughts? September 13th will be the day in which you will have a chance to make the most important decision of your life. get ready.
To know more about this powerful event come to the universal Church of the kingdom of God 3801 N Broad Street Philadelphia or call us at 1 888 793 6411

Sunday, August 2, 2009



"For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world _ our faith." 1John 5. 4
There's no way a person born of God be defeated, why not? because he/she brings God's character inside of him/her, no matter what type of situation may raise against you, once you are born of God you'll fear no evil because you know who is your father and who's with you. That's the secret # 1 for all those of you who want to be victorious in this world.
Join us this Sunday Aug.09th at 11am and learn how you can be born of God