Saturday, January 7, 2012
Bp Renato Cardoso: Bp Macedo e Ester, 40 anos: Os problemas (4)
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Friday, August 05, 2011
One decision
You want a change in some area of your life? Start with a decision. When you make a decision and move forward with it no matter what, it is your faith that you are acting. And that faith acted upon brings about change.
Faith acted upon is not just reading the Bible. It is not just going to the church, raising your hands up in prayer, and sometimes punching the air for good measure. Faith acted upon is the result of intelligent decisions.
I will not buy cigarettes anymore.
I'll cut off this friendship that does not help me at all.
From now on I will no longer practice comfort eating.
I'll invest in my relationship with God and forget about my love life until I am strong spiritually.
I will begin the steps to open my own business before Christmas.
A firm decision is worth a thousand prayers that hit the church ceiling and fall back down to the ground.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
There was a farmer who collected horses; he only needed one more breed to complete his collection. One day, he found out that his neighbor had the particular horse breed he needed. So, he constantly bothered his neighbor until he sold it to him. A month later, the horse became ill and he called the veterinarian, who said:
- Well, your horse has a virus. He must take this medicine for three days. I’ll come back on the 3rd day and if he’s not better, we’re going to have to put him down.
Nearby, the pig listened closely to their conversation.
The next day, they gave him the medicine and left. The pig approached the horse and said:
- Be strong, my friend. Get up or else they’re going to put you to sleep!
On the second day, they gave him the medicine and left. The pig came back and said:
- Come on buddy, get up or else you're going to die! Come on, I'll help you get up. Let’s go! One, two, three...
On the third day, they came to give him the medicine and the vet said:
- Unfortunately, we’re going to have to put him down tomorrow. Otherwise, the virus might spread and infect the other horses.
After they left, the pig approached the horse and said:
- Listen pal, it's now or never! Get up, come on! Have courage! Come on! Get up! Get up! That’s it, slowly! Great! Come on, one, two, three... Good, good. Now faster, come on.... Fantastic! Run, run more! Yes! Yay! Yes! You did it, you’re a champion!!!
All of a sudden, the owner came back, saw the horse running in the field and began shouting:
- It’s a miracle! My horse is cured. This deserves a party. Let's kill the pig!
Points for reflection: this often happens in the workplace. Nobody truly knows which employee actually deserves the merit of success, or who’s actually contributing the necessary support to make things happen.
If anyone ever tells you that your work is unprofessional, remember: amateurs built the Ark and professionals built the Titanic.
What good is saving others and losing your own soul in the process?
Friday, February 25, 2011
Blind faith
Faith corrupting religions – including Christianity, have been motivating people’s faith down an emotional path instead of a rational one. Therefore, forcing its victims to make heart based decisions. Result: a life without quality and worse of all, a bad testimony to others.
The religious spirit found in the evangelical religion prevents its victims from meditating on the Word of God. To compensate, they memorize biblical verses and accumulate a vast amount of biblical knowledge, thinking that’s enough to please the Almighty.
A communion with God is only possible on a spiritual basis. That is, with the use of our intellect. He’s not the God of fanatics or the emotionally disturbed. Rather, He’s seeking true worshipers who’ll worship Him in the Spirit and in truth; without exaggerations or hype.
Religion’s first and most important goal is to block rational thinkers from entering the Kingdom of God. Then, it concentrates on keeping those who’ve already been "hooked" fully accommodated with emotional faith.
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship. Romans 12:1
Bishop Macedo
Friday, January 7, 2011

“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him…Psalm 91.14”
Why many of those who have sought God’s presence everyday through prayers, fasting and even making vows, giving offerings and paying tithes can’t overcome their problems? What has made them remain in the church for years and years living the same type of life? Has the word of God changed? Has God’s promise lost its valor? Certainly not! As a matter of fact, the majority of those who have come to church has and their heart a unique intention which is to ask and receive something from Him, few are those whose intention is to give and we all know that with God if we don’t give we don’t receive and once we don’t receive how can one’s life change? It’s not enough to give tithe and offerings nor help doing something in the church it’s more than necessary to give all onto His hands, God doesn’t accept 99% of our life He wants 100%, when we really love we give everything without hesitating and this is the secret to enjoy the abundant life promised in the Bible.
Make sure to throw yourself into His hands and he will give you the type of life you most expect to live in this world.
Give, and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” Luke 6.38
Bishop Carlos E Da Costa